We checked out our chicks in the eggs today, and we saw some black dots moving around. They are all looking good at this point, but we will leave them along until next Wed., and then we’ll check them one last time! We don’t want to disturb them during their critical stage at the end, so we will have a great idea next Wed. how many we will be watching for. Randy took pictures as I candled them. Here are some pictures of our attempts to capture a moving chick that looks like a pencil eraser size black dot moving around! I was just using Randy’s high powered LED light, so I will try and take them next time with the candler.
Here’s a picture of what you see in person that I took off the internet, and the chick is moving already!
Here’s some fun things we did for the rest of Dr. Seuss week. Green Eggs and Ham: There was a man who wrote some books and Seuss was his name-O! S-E-U-S-S, S-E-U-S-S, S-E-U-S-S and Seuss was his name –O! We played with green eggs and tongs! Dollar Tree Easter Eggs and any tongs will do. Coloring page
https://www.earlymoments.com/upload/EarlyMoments/CatActivities/SeussColoringPage04.pdf We painted Green Eggs! (p. 31 MailBox 2011)- green paint, shaving cream and glue. (equal parts shaving cr. and glue, add some paint to color) Have the kids draw 2 or 3 circles,draw the whites around the outside and paint. We also had Ham for lunch! One of the kids is allergic to eggs, so we skipped that part! One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish: We Made a fishing rod out of a bamboo stick from the Dollar Tree, and attached a big safe magnet from the Dollar Tree. Cut fish out fish from a picture I found off google , and then put paperclips on the front of each fish. We then went fishing on the pond (a blue piece of material)! We also sorted out goldfish on mats: one fish two fish counting fish0001 We also colored some fish and put them in a bowl with this cute printable: http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/goldfish_bowl_printable_activity.htm The Foot Book: Rhyme-This Little Piggy: what Foot day is complete without many rounds of This Little Piggy! This little piggy went to the library This little piggy stayed home This little piggy had popcorn This little piggy had none and This little piggy cried Me Me Me can’t wait to get home! Find an object (less than five of their feet in length) in your house and measure how many “feet” long it is. Continue to measure things around your house. Ask your child to make a Prediction about how many “feet” the object will be before you measure it. *Note: for older children you can actually chart out their predictions and measurements to see if their predictions improve with their experience in measuring with their “feet.” Matching-Matching Animal Feet http://www.kizclub.com/Topics/animals/whosefeet.pdf Trace kids feet or shoes and make a “foot” poster. We painted out feet too! Wocket In My Pocket: POCKET SONG- (Use the appropriate hand & body movements to go with the words. ) I’ve got something in my pocket. It belongs across my face. I keep it very close at hand, in a most convenient place. I’m sure you couldn’t’ guess it If you guessed a long, long while. So I’ll take it out and put it on. It’s a great big happy smile! A printable, simple, rhyme book : “Pam and Sam” http://www.hubbardscupboard.org/Word_Family_Booklet_1.1_-_am.PDF A pocket with a Wocket: (pictures for the Wocket) http://www.storytimecrafts.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Theres-a-Wocket-in-My-Pocket.jpg We made a Yottle in a Bottle! There is a really cute printout, and I had a willing husband help me drink soda, so we could get enough bottles for everyone! We colored, added a straw and too cute! Instructions: http://30minutecrafts.com/2013/02/there-is-a-yottle-in-my-bottle-dr-seuss-craft.html We are expecting……..chicks that is! Thanks to wonderful friends who live on a farm, they have supplied us with colorful fertilized eggs to place in our incubator! We couldn’t be more excited, and in 21 days, we hope to have pictures of chicks for all to see. We will candle them in a few days, and we should see some action going on, and if we do, we will take pictures then too. Come along with us on our journey to discover what comes first, the chicken or the egg? We hope to return the chicks to their farm and their mothers after a week or so, and we hope to enjoy them for a few days after they hatch.
We send a BIG THANK YOU to Autumn and the girls for letting us share in this terrific experience. Here are our eggs with some that Autumn called “Easter Egger Hens”, and aren’t they beautiful!!!! We had a great week looking for the leprechauns! We made leprechauns, read stories about leprechauns, and we even made soda bread!
Here’s some fun photos of our week, and we can introduce you to two new kids in our family, Connor and Will! We are so excited to have our new friends and we hope you feel welcome. It’s Dr. Seuss’ birthday, so we are spending the whole week celebrating his books! We read the Cat In the Hat today, and we played a fun game from www.makinglearningfun . We read a few more of his favorites, and we even watched the Cat in the Hat on video before nap. There were so many projects to do, so we will just show you how much fun we had painting hats, blowing the hair on Thing 1 and Thing 2, and making a birthday cake for Dr. Seuss! Tune: Wheels on the Bus
The cat in the hat wore a purple hat, purple hat, purple hat. The cat in the hat wore a purple hat. What do you think of that? Thing 1 and Thing 20001 Hat printable http://www.321coloringpages.com/cat-in-the-hat-coloring-pages/ Birthday Cake We have our new friend Will, and you will be seeing him busy with his friends, so let me introduce him! You are already a good friend, and it’s only been a few days, and it seems like you have been her forever! I want to introduce you to our cute little Connor, because he doesn’t get to do preschool, he won’t be in a lot of the work pictures. Here is our new little buddy! He’s only been here a week, but he is soooooo adorable!
It’s time for the stock show and we are crazy busy! We are doing a lot from homeschoolcreations.com and today we are doing the puzzle. The past few days we did “Help the Cowboy Rope His Horse”. and the Book Size Sorting. She did a great job in putting colorful printables together for us to print for free! We are going to do where cowboys eat and how they eat around a campfire today. We will build our campfire, eat beanie weenies and mac and cheese for lunch, then end our day with cornbread around the fire!
We are making a cute bull and bronc riding book from Sesame Street and then do an art page of a chuckwagon and what cowboys eat because they don’t have a kitchen out on the ranch! Here is the print out for the pan and the food to put in the chuckwagon Cowboy food I found these great printables and the idea for the chuckwagon on this great blog! http://dbsenk.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/cowboys/ Randy is so talented with the computer, and we had to share some mean hombres with ya! We made hat bands, and scarves, so they had to make a wanted poster! Wanted Poster kids You can make your own by adding a picture to one on kindergarten Nana’s site http://dbsenk.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/cowboys/ Here are a couple of fun cowboy stories I used on youtube, or you can buy them. 1) Why Cowboys Sleep With Their Boots On Youtube: http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oG7jra0QJR6mwAi.UQRAUJ;_ylc=X1MDUCMxNTEzNDAwNDgEX3IDMgRhbwNhbwRjc3JjcHZpZAM2UHdtTGtnZXVyQ3QxbG9NVF8zLjNBdFNTMGNiSVZFQzBkb0FEaUNCBGZyA3l0ZmYxLQRmcjIDc2J0bgRuX2dwcwM1BG9yaWdpbgN5dGIEcHFzdHIDd2h5IGNvd2JveXMgc2xlZXAgd2l0aCB0aGVpciBib290cyBvbiAEcXVlcnkDd2h5IGNvd2JveXMgc2xlZXAgd2l0aCB0aGVpciBib290cyBvbiAEc2FvAzEEdnRlc3RpZANERkQ1?p=why%20cowboys%20sleep%20with%20their%20boots%20on%20&fr=ytff1-&pqstr=why%20cowboys%20sleep%20with%20their%20boots%20on 2) Cowboy Small Youtube: http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oG7jra0QJR6mwAi.UQRAUJ?p=cowboy%20small%20youtube%20jay%20sparrow&fr=ytff1- Here are some photos of our fun week, including making stick horses, and having cowboy fun! We had fun talking about the old wives tale about In like a Lion and Out Like a Lamb. This year it came in like a LAMB, so we’ll see if it goes out like a LION! We will be doing a calendar for the month and keeping track of our days, so we’ll see! The kids played a game with cotton balls from www.makinglearningfun ,and I found out that we have some pretty good counters! We also worked on our cutting skills with a lion and our “Tyin’ Lion” tying skills. We then made a really cute lamb. All our work came from makinglearningfun, and it lived up to it’s name! Here’s some pictures to show off our small group while we wait for our new kids to arrive in a week!